Friday, September 11, 2009

A few dayzz ago "Fantasia" had 2 b rushed to an hospital where she was diagnosed with food poisoning an extreme dehydration.....

Fantasia pulled a no-show for her scheduled performance as Celie in The Color Purple on Saturday.
Fantasia’s manager Brian Dickens told S2S that she was actually dressed to go on stage and had on microphone when she fell ill. Brian told us that Fantasia began staggering around backstage because she felt like the room was spinining. When she announced that was feeling sick, Brian told her to sit down. She began throwing up uncontrollably shortly after that. About 15 minutes before the show it was clear that she was in no state to go on stage, so the production company had to call in the understudy.
Fantasia was then rushed to an area hospital where she was diagnosed with food poisoning an extreme dehydration. Doctors said the illness may have been caused by a turkey and cheese sandwich that Fantasia ate on the way to the theater.
’Tasia was really upset about having to back out of the performance, and had even tried to make it for the evening show, but she was advised to just Saturday out. They said she was just to fragile to push herself and that if she did it would effect her ability to perform on Sunday. Thankfully, she listened to the pros and took a sick day, so she was ready to return to the stage the very next day.

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