Friday, July 24, 2009


Solange bald photo is here for your viewing pleasure....LOL

Miss Knowles has cut off all of her hair and if you are wondering why,here is what she said on

listen. if. i. wanted. to. make. a. statement. i. would. have. twitpic’d. photo shoot. ect. i. was. simply. taking. my. son. to. school.
stupid. paps. took. pic. ive. had. my. hair. cut. like. this. for. two. weeks. i. was. NOT. inspired. by anyone. but. my. self.
i. have. done. this. twice. in. my. life. i. was 16. i was 18. did. not care about your opinion. then. dont. care. now.
dont. need. your. attention. or. your. co-sign. i am #3. trending topic. before. IRAN. &. some of you cant even locate it on a map. its sad.
dont. want. a. edge. up. or a perm. because. im not trying. to make this “a style” or a statement.
i. just. wanted. to. be. free. from. the. bondage. that. black. women sometimes. put. on. themselves. with. hair.
this. phase. of. my. life. i. want to spend . the time. the energy. and the money. on something else. not in the hair salon

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