Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Perez Hilton got BITHC SLAP'D By WILL.I.AM of the BLACK EYE PEAS!

Blogger Perez Hilton is on twitter right now, claiming WILL. I. AM of the Black Eyed Peas assaulted him outside of a nightclub this morning and he is bleeding.
I’m in shock. I need the police ASAP. Please come to the SoHo Metropolitan Hotel now. Please.
I was assaulted by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas and his security guards. I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke.
I called the police BEFORE I Tweeted about it. They were not showing up. I felt helpless.
I took photos and police have photos they took as well. The truth will prevail.
I can handle a verbal assault. But to hit me? To make me bleed? No. I can’t and won’t accept that.
I just feel so empty right now. In shock. I need to work.
Will. I. AM
posted a video with his side of the story and he says Perez called him a “fag” outside of the club but he did not put his hands on him. He also questioned Perez for tweeting about it instead of calling the police first and says he is starved for attention.......I glap he pop'd him cuzz he is very MESSY........LMAO

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